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Number 5

While we were in Birmingham last Saturday, we enjoyed a basketball game. Our grandson John Michael played forward for his team of 9-year-olds. I caught this picture just before heading off to the gym. Fifty years ago, when I was 9...OK 60 years...all right already...64 years ago we didn't have red shoes and multi-colored basketballs and our shorts were really short. And our white socks came up to our knees! But I remember having as much fun playing basketball as John Michael.

Birthdays: Today is my sister Barbara's birthday. My calculator is in the other room, so I'm not sure of the correct number. Binary hint: 0100101. Tomorrow our grandson Ian turns 16. On Monday he's heading to the Arizona DMV. If you're anywhere near Mesa for the next couple of weeks, you may want to be extra careful while driving. Just kidding. We wish both a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY.