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Another Thanksgiving Picture

On our final day on a Florida beach for Thanksgiving last year...

Really? Last year?!! It was only about 6 weeks ago. Anyhow, the day before we left, Mark took this picture of Nancy and me standing on the beach with the setting sun behind us. It's one of my favorites from that week.

This week, on the other hand, wasn't all that exciting. I bought a new pair of shoes, played bridge 3 mornings at the bridge center, watched some TV, did a little reading, and worked a virtual puzzle on the computer. I did help Nancy take down the Christmas decorations, but I have to admit (because she will read this post sooner or later) that she did most of the work. I made omelets for dinner last night. My omelets are things of great beauty and excellent taste. Drop by some time, and I'll whip one up for you.