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A Winter Event

After about a week of warnings from the TV and radio weather people, the snow began to fall, as predicted, Wednesday evening. Thursday morning we awoke to around 8 inches of snow on Gilstead Circle. Since we get a snow fall like this about once every 5 years, we had to take some pictures. I know our northern friends, who measure their snow in feet, are rolling their eyes, and I don't blame them.

Nancy broke out her winter coat and boots and headed outside first to measure the snow depth and put outgoing mail in our mailbox (bottom left) and then to walk to the nearest Starbucks for some coffee (bottom right). No, I stayed home. She snapped the top picture on her way back. It's interesting how the forest behind our house appears to be swallowing up the neighborhood. The second 2 pictures are looking south and north at that forest but from behind our house.

By Thursday afternoon the sun was shinning, the temperature was in the 40s, and the roads were clear and dry. The snow on our lawn is managing to hang around just a little longer. By the way, the mailman didn't complete his rounds on Thursday, and our mail didn't go out till Friday. Whatever happened to that old saying about the mail? Sleet, hail, snow?