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Valentine's Day Birthday

It's late Saturday. Nancy and I returned from Birmingham just a few hours ago where we were part of a birthday celebration for our granddaughter Margaret who was born on this day 6 years ago. We gave Margaret a pink suitcase, a red beanie bear, and a few other trinkets. Our son Mark gave Margaret the pink flowers on the table for Valentine's Day. We just stayed overnight but I did get a chance to play a little ping-pong with John Michael. He wore me out. Nancy helped out with the party preparations and had a lot of one-on-one time with the grandkids.

On the way home we stopped at a Cracker Barrel south of Huntsville for dinner. After dinner, I discovered that I didn't have my credit card when I tried to pay the bill. During the drive back to our house, I figured out that I must have left it at Outback on Thursday. I called. They had it. I drove to the restaurant immediately. I feel better.