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Another Beach Picture

Nancy and I returned to Huntsville from Santa Rosa Beach (Watercolor Beach), Florida, last Sunday. Two days earlier we gathered on the walkway from our condo to the beach for pictures. A nice lady walked by and offered to take one of all of us. She did well. We are pictured here with our son Mark, his wife Jenny, and their kids Jackson (13), John Michael (10) and Margaret (a couple months short of 7).

Since we got home, Nancy has been deep into Christmas shopping. She even found something on QVC early this morning. But this year I have to admit to grabbing a couple bargains on Black Friday. I bought a new printer and a new blu-ray player from Amazon; 50% off retail and free shipping. They arrived at the house on Tuesday. Not bad...4 days. Now I have to come up with something in the way of a Christmas gift for Nancy.