About a month ago I posted the television half of our newly remodeled computer room. Here's the other half. On Thursday UPS delivered the new slip covers and arm rests for our couch and chair. It's the perfect color for the room, and Nancy found some pillows that work right into the decor. The computers, the printer, the network; everything is working fine. We still have some stuff that needs to be returned to this room from the dining room and one of the bedrooms, but we're quite happy with the results of our efforts to date.
We have a birthday and an anniversary to talk about. Today is our grandson Jackson's 13th birthday. A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our newest teen. And let's not forget Nancy's sister Elaine and her husband Karl who celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary yesterday. We wish them a very happy anniversary with many more to come. We plan to visit Elaine and Karl soon, and I will post a picture or two from that belated celebration.