For 4 of our 5 grandchildren, it was time to head back to school. On the left above is our oldest grandson Ian going to the car to begin his junior year at Desert Ridge High School in Mesa, Arizona. Melissa sent me this picture. Ian's sister Savannah is about to begin her second year at the University of Arizona, but she's still enjoying a "few more days of freedom" before the Fall semester begins. On the right above are our Birmingham grandchildren who started back to school on Thursday. Jackson beginning 7th grade, John Michael 4th, and Margaret 1st. We wish them all well for this upcoming school year.
This week we continued moving stuff back into our refurbished computer room. It's looking better and better each day. Early in the week we decided to start hanging stuff on the walls. Many years ago my Mother crafted a ceramic chess set and hand painted each piece. When we began the renovation, we carefully packed the pieces into a box and put it away for safe keeping. This week I put the chess set shelf back up so that I could once again display my Mom's handy work.
After I leveled the shelf, we started looking for the chess set. We couldn't find it. We spent hours with no luck. I even searched through the pictures of the things we donated to various charities since beginning the renovation. I really feared that we had inadvertently given it away. After several HOURS, we were close to giving up. I started a search of every conceivable place the box containing the chess set could be and even places that it couldn't be. I searched each room, every closet, cabinet, and drawer. Even under the sinks. I literally narrowed it down to 1 room; the bedroom where we temporarily put much of the stuff from the computer room. And there it was. Up high. Hard to see but safe and sound on top of the armoire. The set is back on the wall.