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Planting Season

It rained all week. This morning when we got up, the sun was shinning. So we got dressed. Ate breakfast. And started working on our "garden" in the back yard. After we planted 5 tomato and 2 pepper plants, I snapped this picture of Nancy putting on the finishing touches. The irrigation system is leaking right where it comes out of the ground; the lower right corner of the picture. That's going to be a bugger to fix. Assuming Nancy can protect the plants from the chipmunks, squirrels, and rabbits, we should have a crop in a couple months.

Last night, we attended the final concert of the year presented by the Huntsville Chamber Music Guild. In concert was the Dover Quartet. We enjoyed the Haydn and Dvorak quartets but what was really interesting was a piece for bassoon and strings. We had never heard that particular combination before. The bassoonist was a Huntsville native, Matthew McDonald. It was both fun to watch and listen to.