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Yesterday the good ol' USofA celebrated its 238th birthday. Nancy cooked up some ribs and home-made potato salad; a traditional feast. We realized this morning that we forgot the watermelon, which was out of sight in the garage fridge. Perhaps later today we can finish off that treat. It was a special dinner.

But the Fourth of July is also our daughter Melissa's birthday. Tradition requires that we sing "Happy Birthday" to the kids and grandkids on their special day, so we did that last night for Melissa. Last month we were hard at work in Pennsylvania for our son Mark's birthday, and while we did sing to him, we didn't post a special birthday greeting to him on the internet. So here's a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Melissa, Mark, and the USA.

While the picture above is not the latest one taken of our kids, it just might be one of the cutest. Melissa would probably argue that it was taken sometime in the mid 1980s. Who am I to say any different? ;-)