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Huntsville Botanical Gardens

After telling me of the wonders at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens for several days, I relented, and last Sunday Nancy returned to the gardens with me in tow. I have to admit i saw many, many interesting sights as we toured throughout the gardens. There is an easily visible sign outside the dragon's lair warning patrons of the danger, but Nancy just had to step inside the wire. (What is that dragon looking at?)

One of the more interesting places in the gardens is the butterfly sanctuary. They were out in full force and so were the flowers. Check out Nancy's picture to the right. I did catch a few zzz's when we got back home. There's a lot of walking involved.

We spent several hours this week shopping for a new car to replace Nancy's mini-van. She wants something slightly smaller but something that still allows her to sit higher than the ordinary cars on the road around her. We also decided to go ahead and cut down the 3 big pine trees in our front yard. I'm tired to cleaning up after them...pine cones by the hundreds. And the tree guy says that one of the trees is dying and will have to come down eventually. Just don't want to wait for a crazy storm to send it down on our house. We're going to get started on both things next week.

We had another milestone in the family this week. Our granddaughter Savannah turned 18 yesterday. Of course, we sang to her on the phone. We wish her the best as she gets ready for the University of Arizona, and, oh yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.