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With Our Parents

I've been scanning pictures; going through all the slides, negatives, and prints that are currently stored on our shelves, under our beds and couches, and in our closets. After I finish scanning the best of the photos, I intend to remove the hard copies from the house. I started months ago, and I'm about one-millionth of the way through. No light yet at the end of the tunnel. Digital pictures, stored in the cloud, take up a lot less room.

This picture was taken in my mother's apartment in 1968. I scanned it a couple days ago from a slide. I'm guessing that it was taken during the 2 weeks I was home in March that year. At that time I was the Third Officer on the SS Flying Foam and was between voyages. My mom, Margery, is on the right. It looks like she's the shortest one. Nancy thinks her mom was in heels and my mom was, as usual, in her bare feet. Nancy's parents, Mike and Mary Kozak, are in the middle. Before looking at this picture I would have told anyone who cared that Mike was taller than me. Memory in a funny thing. He was taller than me if one took everything into consideration. If you know what I mean. A man's man.