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First Names Only

This week seemed rather slow to me. Let's see. We took down the Christmas tree. I scanned a bunch more slides from the 60s and 70s and started a new Clive Cussler book; one that brother-in-law Karl left after his last visit. Nancy didn't think it was slow at all. She was busy every day. Says there's always something to do. OK. I forgot about the movie. We saw "Saving Mr. Banks" on Monday. After a low early in the week of 3 degrees, it warmed up into the 50's so some walking was added to the mix. Throw in a couple visits to the gym, and that's pretty much our week. Except for the notice from the Social Security guys. Seems this year we'll be paying $783.80 a month for Medicare, which many believe comes "free" to we seniors. Oh yeah. That doesn't count the $285 in "copays" so far this year. And it's only the 11th of January! :-(

Oh, the picture. Back in November I posted a picture of the couple we met as we headed cross country on our honeymoon. I said we could not remember their names. Well, out of the blue, Nancy remembered their first names. So here's another picture. Left to right are Ed, Michele, me, Nancy, George, Tom, Teddy, and Abe.

A note added on 5 January 2018. Nancy found an old address book that she apparently started shortly after we were married. I went through it thinking I would find Ed and Michele. I didn't. But I remembered that I had an address book that pre-dated hers, and in there I found Ed and Michele Delehanty. No longer just first names!