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Margaret's First Day

The Wednesday after Labor Day saw our youngest grandchild begin her first day at 4-year old kindergarten. She started a full 2 weeks after her older brothers, and could not have been more excited about FINALLY going to school. (Picture by Jenny.)

During this past week we had a lot of work done around the outside of our home. They started painting our house the day we left for Pennsylvania, but had to wait to complete the job until we were home again to open the windows and doors. They finished on Tuesday. On the same day the tree removal guys trimmed the trees that were hanging over our back fence and removed a stump from our yard. They also trimmed back a tree that had fallen from our neighbor's yard onto our wooden fence. I didn't think our neighbor would ever get to it herself. And then we had the fence repaired. The outside, front and back, is looking pretty good.