Recall that I said last week that I wouldn't be at all surprised if Nancy headed to Birmingham on Tuesday? Well she did, and I went along for the ride. Of course when Nancy goes to Birmingham, she takes a little something for the kids. In this case, it was the "I Spy" book you see in the picture above. It wasn't long before Grandma and Margaret (4) began having together-time-fun searching out the objects in each of the pictures. Later that day we sat on the sidelines and watched as Margaret and 5 other 4-year-olds played 3-on-3 soccer. I set my hips on fire trying to keep up with her brothers who were nearby throwing a football around and kicking their own soccer ball.
My highlight of the trip was the fine pot roast Jenny prepared for dinner and the interesting after dinner conversation with Mark. Nancy and I returned to Huntsville the next morning.
Last night we attended the last of 3 concerts presented by the 3 finalists in the 2013 Van Cliburn piano competition. We both thought that the Crystal winner (3rd place), American Sean Chen, gave the most enjoyable concert. But all three played selections from the most difficult pieces by the likes of Rackmaninoff and Prokofiev entirely from memory. We would have preferred something a little more melodic, but we were impressed by their skill.