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Time for Soccer

On Tuesday Nancy wanted to run down to Birmingham to catch a soccer game, but I was still working hard to recover from the computer meltdown of last week and didn't want to take the time. What we missed was Margaret (age 4) hard at work, running and kicking and playing with her teammates. But Jenny was kind enough to text this picture to us. It looks to me like, while she was running and kicking, the only things anyone could see were pink socks and pink shoe laces. And, of course, a cute girl. I won't be the least bit surprised if Nancy takes off for Birmingham this Tuesday, with or without me.

As for the new computer, I am posting this week's submission from the new computer. It's up and running including a number of new features available in Windows 8.1. Now if I could just figure out what to do with all of our old cell phones, laptops, and desktop computers, I'd feel lots better. Any suggestions?