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Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania

Last Sunday, on a cool and clear day in Huntsville, Nancy and I began our 765-mile drive to to Nancy's aunt's home in Pennsylvania. We arrived in Cresson the next day just hours before the rain, ice, and snow. Nancy's sister Elaine and husband Karl arrived on Tuesday in the middle of all the bad weather. Later that evening, Karl found his car 25 yards down the icy driveway, where it slid from the garage door almost to the street. We woke up Wednesday morning to more freezing rain and snow and were pretty much marooned for the entire day.

Thanksgiving day found temperatures in the teens, the sun breaking through the clouds, and ice covering everything especially the trees. Broken branches, made too heavy by the ice, were on the ground under many of those trees. I have pictures. Another time.

But the story today is our Thanksgiving dinner. Karl and Elaine, on the left above, brought the turkey, stuffing, and some sides from Michigan. Nancy and I brought other sides and dessert. Nancy's cousin John (AKA "Yunk") also joined us for dinner. He's sitting next to Nancy. But we were all there to celebrate Thanksgiving with Aunt Nina who is sitting at the far end of the table. This has been a tough year for all of us but especially for her, and we wanted to create a few better memories for this Thanksgiving. Shortly after I took this picture and after Nancy said grace, we all dug in and ate our fill of all the fine food.