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Nice Day for a Walk

A couple Sundays ago, Nancy and I walked up Four Mile Post Road to a local park just west of the Target mall near our home. The walk through the park and back to the house is, according to an app on our new cell phones, 3.2 miles. As we entered the park, I got the urge to take the first real picture with the camera on my cell. I didn't expect much because I've always been of the opinion that cell phone cameras weren't all that good. So here's the result; Nancy with one of the park lakes in the background. When we got home and we had a chance to take a close look at the picture, we were quite impressed with the quality and especially the detail in the background. On the original, high resolution file the water tower on top of the hill just to the left of the second tree from the right stands out in almost unbelievable detail.

Also in the last couple weeks we got word that our oldest grandchild, Savannah, has been accepted at both the University of Arizona and Northern Arizona University. She got these early acceptances and at least 1 full tuition scholarship because of her good grades in high school. Good job, Savannah. Now it's a wait and see if there will be others and then...the decision. We are still finding it hard to believe that we have a grandchild going to college next year.