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Birthday Girl

Thursday was Nancy's birthday, and it was widely celebrated. The Thursday Stitchers had many gifts for her including a bunch of balloons. Melissa, Savannah, and Ian sent a variety of lotions that Nancy tried and loved immediately. Mark, Jenny, Jackson, John Michael, and Margaret sent flowers, which adorned our dinner table that evening. And the mailman brought plenty of birthday wishes from around the country including one from brother-in-law Karl that's difficult to describe in public. Margaret sang the birthday song to Grandma on the telephone a few days early, and then everyone else sang on her actual birthday.

So, you're asking, how did I celebrate? At her request, I cooked my famous Thai peanut chicken dinner, and we dined at home. AND I cleaned up afterward. Oops, forgot to say, yes we did have cake. A mini bundt cake and she enjoyed every last crumb.

By now I know you're wondering or trying to figure out how old she is. Well, I'm not allowed to tell, but I will say that John Michael told his parents that, in his opinion, she "doesn't look older than 67"!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Nancy.