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Lunch With Friends

Follow me closely on this one. It's an interesting story. Nancy attended nursing school at Mercy Hospital in Altoona, Pennsylvania. A young lady named Karen was one of her classmates. They lived in the same dorm, attended the same classes, and later after graduation worked together at Mercy Hospital. That was almost 50 years ago (OMG). Karen also just happened to marry a man from Nancy's home town, Gallitzin.

Nancy met Karen's cousin Harold and his future wife Virginia at one of Mercy Hospital's formal dances. They all became friends, but only for a short time. Nancy moved off with me. Harold joined the Army, and he and Virginia traveled all over the place.

Now skip ahead about 20 years to when Mark came home from school and told us that he knew someone whose grandparents live in Altoona. When he told us her name, Nancy put 2 and 2 together and knew it had to be Harold and Virginia. She got in touch. It seems that when Harold quit the Army, he and Virginia decided to settle right here in Huntsville.

Now skip ahead another 25 years or so. A few weeks ago Nancy got a phone call from Virginia asking if Nancy would be home in early May. The reason was that her husband's cousin Karen (Remember? Nancy's former classmate from Nursing School?) would be in town and wanted to visit. She and her husband and another cousin Denny and his wife Josie were driving in from Altoona. We remember meeting Denny and Josie during one of our trips to PA several years ago.

On Wednesday Nancy hosted a luncheon for Virginia, Karen, and Josie. I tried to stay out of the way while the ladies talked about old times or whatever. I did, however, talk everyone into a picture. Nancy's on the left. Then Karen, Virginia, and Josie. They were planning to drive back to PA this weekend. I hope they enjoy driving in the rain. Nancy had to say it really was so nice to get together. And I think I heard her say, in true Southern tradition...y'all come back again soon. Hear.

Wednesday was also our grandson John Michael's eighth birthday. He requested a party at the Baron's baseball game, which was last night. The same weather system that dumped many inches of snow in the north, dumped many inches of rain on Alabama. Mark said they got the party in before the rain started falling in Birmingham. We missed the party, but we did sing the birthday song over the telephone. So here's another HAPPY BIRTHDAY to John Michael.