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Surprise Visit

Last Sunday, Mother's Day, around 11 AM, our doorbell unexpectedly chimed. As I approached the door, I couldn't see anyone through the window. Occasionally a nearby lightening strike will cause the doorbell to ring, but there was no rain in the area. I opened the door and found our 4-year-old granddaughter Margaret standing on the front porch. I think she was getting ready to yell "Surprise" but was disappointed to see Paw Paw instead of Grandma. I hugged her into the house and told her where she could find Grandma. Needless to say, Grandma was totally surprised and very, very happy. Mark brought the whole family to Huntsville to help Nancy celebrate Mother's Day.

Mark treated everyone to lunch at Ruby Tuesday, and after a short romp in the back yard, they all headed back to Birmingham. But before they left I asked Jackson (10) and John Michael (8) to join their sister for a picture with Grandma. A happy day.

PS: For those who might be interested, those are Knockout Roses in the background.