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Our Kitchen

Well, part of our kitchen. Our kitchen remodeling effort is 98% complete. Mostly touch-up(s) here and there remain. Both the kitchen and the powder room are scheduled to be completed on Tuesday. That's 2 days into the eighth week of a 5-week plan. So much for the best laid plans of mice and men.

Yesterday the back splash was finished, so before anything was moved, I took the pictures above. It's the first time we've had the microwave off the counter and installed above the range. Nancy "just loves" the deep drawers to the left of the stove where she stores our favorite pots and pans. Very handy indeed.

You'll notice that the granite countertop is rather busy; full of brown shades, gold, gray, some quartz, and even a few flakes of red. I took the second picture above because I particularly like the dark gray and gold feature flowing from side to side near the back burners. A note of interest is that the granite comes from Brazil. We looked at hundreds of granite slabs, each 6 x 10 feet, 1.25 inches thick, before selecting this one. We bought 2 slabs, which were brought to the house where the cuts were blocked out. That's when we planned the feature by the range. I'll have the sink side of the kitchen picture posted sometime in the future.