Last Friday Nancy and I drove to Birmingham and on Saturday continued on to the Gulf Coast to begin a week long vacation with Mark and his family. For the last week we've resided at 8 Full Moon Lane, Water Sound Beach West, Florida. I'm sorry to say we'll be on our way back to Huntsville as soon as I post this picture.
The weather was awesome and except for a few bug bites, we had a great week. The best times for going to the beach were early morning and late evening. The noon-day sun was just too hot for me. Nancy caught this picture on Wednesday as the sun was setting. I'm sure the kids, Margaret (4), John Michael (8), and Jackson (10) had the most fun. We dined out several times, spent lots of time at the swimming pool and on the beach, and played games with the kids. Jackson is getting better at chess. One of these days I'll have to report that he beat me. We introduced everybody to Clue, and that turned out to be the most popular game.
The beach was great, but it'll be good to be back home in 6 or 7 hours.