Return to this web site to see a new picture along with an explanation each week!
Bowl Games and Recovery

The new year slipped in quietly at our home. Nancy is 98 percent recovered from her duel with the flu, which was closely followed by pneumonia. On the other hand at the beginning of the week, I came down with a cold. So we spent the week watching bowl games and treating running noses and coughs. :-(

We did kick off work on remodeling our kitchen. We're ripping everything old out; replacing everything except the newest appliances. It looks like about 5 weeks of work. No, I'm not doing it myself. But I will be showing progress through pictures right here. Stay tuned.

The above picture is one of my favorites. In late August 2006 we spent a night in Vancouver, Canada, on our way home from our Alaskan cruise. I found Nancy waiting for me in the hotel lobby, ready to do a little sightseeing, and my camera was handy.