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Real Estate Moguls

Another uneventful week. We're getting our kitchen ready for demolition to begin on Tuesday. That means emptying all the cabinets, drawers, shelves, and counter tops. With several cabinets to go, it doesn't look like we can squeeze another thing into the dining room. We'll be ready in 2 days.

Here's another picture from our 2-day stay in Birmingham after Christmas. We gave Jackson, age 10, a Monopoly game, and it wasn't long before everybody was into the act. Margaret, who will be 4 in about a month, took the opportunity to offer several suggestions on strategy to Grandma. John Michael (7) was wearing his good luck Atlanta Braves cap and Auburn shirt. I guess he's covering all his bases. They started this game Wednesday evening and continued it first thing on Thursday. You can see that Grandma hasn't even had time to finish her morning coffee.