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Dust Everywhere

We just finished the 4th week of remodeling our kitchen. The new cabinets and countertops are in place, and most of the electrical work is finished. Plumbing and installation of the back-splash are next on our to-do list. You can expect a kitchen picture in a couple weeks.

However, I thought I'd post these pictures, which I put in the "something new" category. You may have seen this before, but we have not. Taking the popcorn finish off the ceiling created an unbelievable amount of dust. To keep it from drifting throughout the house, the workers covered the doors leading from the kitchen to other parts of the house with a thick plastic. After putting the covers in place, they pasted this new product down the center of the plastic. It has a zipper. Open the zipper and cut a slit up the middle of the plastic, and you have a way in and out of the kitchen. Pretty neat, I think. On the left is the door into our dinning room with the zipper closed. On the right, with the zipper open, is the door into our TV room. They worked well in that our house was not full of dust as a result of kitchen work and we were able to get into the kitchen after the workers left.