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The Golden Girls

It's been 2 weeks since I posted a picture of these 3 sisters and talked about the passing of Aunt Jo, shown on the left in this picture taken by me in May 2007. Right after the funeral, Nancy's Mother (center above) became very ill with bronchitis and perhaps a touch of pneumonia. The medical staff at Garvey Manor considered her "critical", and Nancy spent much of each day during that time with her Mom helping her get better. In the meantime, Aunt Nina (right above) was discovered to have 90% blockage of her right carotid artery and was scheduled for immediate surgery. Needless to say Nancy was stretched almost beyond her limits.

We're back home now, and I can report that both ladies are doing much better. It's been a rough couple weeks, especially for Nancy who spent many, many hours helping her Mom and Aunt recover from their medical problems.