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Kristy's Family

Nancy's sister Elaine and her husband Karl live only a couple blocks from their daughter Kristy. So when we decided to travel to Michigan several weeks ago, we were also looking forward to visiting our niece who we hadn't seen for about 8 years. Kristy invited everyone to Saturday dinner for her world famous lasagna, and we spent the evening catching up.

Besides being a mother/chauffeur/cheerleader to 3 kids who play just about every sport you can think of, Kristy is a high school math teacher. She's an interesting person, and we enjoyed our time with Kristy and her family.

Pictured above, left to right, are Kristy, daughter Kyra (10), husband Rick, son Trey (8), and son Vann (14). Oh yes, there was a sporting event to attend. Karl and I watched the first half of Trey's football game. Rick did a great job as part of the chain gang.