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Karl, Elaine, and Annie

After about a week in Pennsylvania, Nancy and I drove to Michigan to visit Nancy's sister Elaine and her husband Karl. They had been in their newly renovated home for only 3 weeks when we arrived. The renovation took a bunch of months and a bunch of bucks, but the results looked to us to be well worth the extra effort. The tour of their home and yard took up the rest of the day. Luckily their previous house on Island Lake in Michigan sold more quickly than expected in spite of the current housing market.

The next day, Saturday, we drove into Lansing to shop for a laptop and printer at Best Buy and food at Horrocks. Horrocks was an interesting first for us. It must have started out as a farmer's market. Random rooms were added as the years went by, and now one can find just about anything worth eating or drinking in the numerous parts of the store. I'm not a coffee drinker, but the other 3 really enjoyed the selections offered at the coffee bar.

We enjoyed our short visit in Michigan and are looking forward to meeting up with Karl and Elaine later this year in Tennessee. I'll continue and finish the discussion of our trip up north next week. By the way...Annie is the dog in the picture.