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Achievements in the Fall

The leaves are changing colors and quickly falling off the trees. That means I'm going to have to break out my leaf blower a little earlier than expected. It's also time for pumpkin picking. This week Jenny sent us this picture of 3 of our grandkids taken after a visit to the pumpkin patch. Pictured are Jackson (10), Margaret (3), and John Michael (7). My opinion? Looks like Jackson had a really good time. John Michael is only OK with the time spent carrying around his big pumpkin. Margaret isn't quite sure about the whole thing.

The second photo is a picture of the computer screen at the entrance to the Wellness Center in our neighborhood. I set out a little over 4 weeks ago to see how many days in a row I could exercise in the gym. When I hit the max number the screen would display, 30 times in the last 30 days, I took this picture. That was on Wednesday. I missed Thursday because I spent the entire day getting our new gas range installed in the kitchen. No really good excuse for Friday. I went to lunch with a friend and to a movie with Nancy. However, I'm headed to the gym as soon as I finish posting this page.