The other day I was sitting at my desk, half asleep, staring out the window into my back yard when it suddenly dawned on me that something was moving along the fence. "What is that?" I was heard to exclaim! I went outside, cautiously, to check it out. A turtle?! What's a turtle doing in my back yard? Is this a Kodak moment or what? It looks like the turtle just dug itself out of a mud hole. Not surprising after all the rain we've had.
On Wednesday Nancy and I set a record worthy of the Guinness book. We arrived at the Madison County Court House at 10:05 AM, and we actually found a parking place right next to the building. Inside, after passing through security, we went to the license department and got our 2013 car tags. Then we crossed to the tax department and paid our 2012 property tax. Then we headed up to the fifth floor with our applications for an absentee ballot in hand. We're going to be out of town on that Tuesday. Rather than take the ballot home, we just ended up voting right there and turning our completed ballot back in. When we returned to the car, it was 10:35. NO WAY! A half hour. An hour standing in line is normally required for car tags alone. That's got to be a new record. We didn't know what to do with the rest of the day, so we enjoyed a lunch at Steak and Shake.