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Nancy Meets Someone from HGTV

We got up early* this morning because we had a busy day planned. As soon as we were dressed, we headed over to Rolo's restaurant for breakfast. By coincidence the priest from our church walked in the door just after we sat down. Nancy invited him to join us, and the three of us enjoyed a nice leisurely breakfast and some interesting conversation.

We ended breakfast just in time to drive to the Civic Center to attend the Huntsville Symphony's final rehearsal for tonight's concert. They did a really nice job on Dvorak's 6th symphony. It just might be the first time hearing that symphony for me. When the rehearsal was finished, we walked to another part of the Civic Center where the Home and Garden Show was in progress. We've been seriously thinking about redoing our kitchen. This was a first step in that direction.

We ran into several people we hadn't seen in a long time. Melissa's first dance instructor, Jody, and several former co-workers were among the attendees. But at the top of the list was HGTV's Eric Stromer. After some encouragement by me, shy Nancy got in line for a hug and a picture. He was most impressed by Nancy's purse, which is made entirely from recycled seat belts.

We left the Civic Center, stopped for a sandwich, went to church, and got home around 7 this evening. Long day, but an OK day at that.

Wait! I forgot. Nancy just had to make one more stop on the way home at a new shop near us called Nothing "Bundt" Cakes to take something to Birmingham with us tomorrow.


*Note: "Early" probably means something different to you than to me. Suffice to say we got up in time to eat breakfast and get to the Civic Center by 11.