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On the Way Home!

On Saturday (I'm writing this on Monday the 18th.) Nancy and I left Cresson, PA, to return home from our visit with Nancy's Mom and Aunt. We got as far as the intersection of I-70 and I-81 in Maryland before we quite literally ran into a little trouble. I missed the turn-off and hit the guard rail. As I told the kids that evening, the impact was hard enough to deploy the air bags but not hard enough to damage the occupants.

About 2.5 long hours later, we loaded the luggage into our rental, said goodbye to the Prius, and were back on the road. I want to give a big shout-out to the owner of the body shop in Hagerstown who went way out of his way to help us. We left our car with him for repairs. I haven't heard yet from the State Farm claims adjustor.

Let me say, if you're reading this and you know Nancy's Mom or Aunt, please don't say anything to them about this. They go out of their way to find things to worry about as it is. We'll tell them...someday.

Lastly, today (Monday) is our son's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mark.