This is what you get when you hand your camera to a 3-year-old, and she takes a picture pointing the camera the wrong direction! You get a pretty neat self portrait. Our youngest grandchild Margaret took this picture last January while playing at our home.
Nancy and I returned to Huntsville from Pennsylvania on Thursday arriving in town just in time for Nancy to join the Tuesday Stitchers, who now meet every Thursday, to celebrate Myra's birthday. During our return trip along I-81 we hit a massive rainstorm in Wytheville, Virginia. For about 5 minutes I continued to drive in the center lane of a 5-lane highway, but then it became impossible to see ahead even though I was moving at a very slow speed compared to the posted speed limit of 70 mph. I could see no lights in the rear-view mirror, so I drove across two lanes and pulled off the road. It just might be the first time I ever did that. (Nancy suggests that with age comes wisdom!) We waited out the storm (15 minutes), drove into Wytheville, and got back on the interstate well beyond the storm's center. In fact just a couple miles down the highway, the road was dry.
During the last couple of weeks our grandchildren were doing a bit of traveling themselves. Savannah is still in California where she's been since last Sunday visiting her aunt and uncle. Last weekend Ian returned from a week-long football camp. Jackson is due back today from Camp Winnataska where he spent the entire week. John Michael was at the same camp for the first 3 days of this week. And Margaret had Jenny and Mark entirely to herself while the boys were gone. Now everyone can get back to a normal level of hectic.