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Four Weeks Later

We arrived yesterday around noon at the body shop in Hagerstown, Maryland, where our Prius was being repaired. The suspense around our arrival concerned the one remaining part needed to complete the body work. That part wasn't available when I called on Wednesday. I was told, however, that the part was expected on Thursday and repairs would be completed on Friday. Since we needed to return our rental anyhow, we headed out for Maryland early Thursday morning.

The lady behind the counter told us our Prius was ready as we walked through the door. I asked about wheel alignment. Oops. Not quite done! Nancy and I went to lunch, and when we returned, the alignment was finished and our car was ready to drive away. Nancy followed me to the car rental place and she took care of business while I moved our luggage from the rental to the Prius.

Since we were only a hundred or so miles from Altoona, we continued on to Pennsylvania to visit with Nancy's Mom and Aunt. I'm only too glad to get our car back in almost like new condition. I took this picture with my cell phone camera this morning. Run your mouse over the picture to see what the car looked like 4 weeks ago.