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Cousins Judy and Ron

Early in December, after we had settled on a date for our arrival in Mesa, Arizona, I emailed cousin Judy, who also lives in Mesa, and made plans for a visit. And so, 2 days before Christmas, Nancy and I drove across town to Judy's home and were delighted to find that another cousin, Judy's brother Ron, was also visiting Judy for the Christmas holiday. He actually drove in from Colorado just to meet us. (I made that last part up! He flew in from Colorado.) We spent some time checking out each other's family albums and in general catching up. Ron and Judy are 2 of the children of my father's brother, Joseph Yanosky and his wife Margaret.

Judy, Ron, and I are pictured above. If you roll your mouse over the picture, you'll see, in addition to the cousins, Judy's husband Aaron and, of course, my wife Nancy. If you're reading this, Judy, thanks for inviting us and showing us a fine afternoon.