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More Pictures from Christmas

We spent this week undoing Christmas decorations, catching up on appointments, and in general getting ready for the New Year. Not many picture worthy activities. So, here are a couple more pictures of Nancy and me with our grandchildren taken during the Christmas season. The first picture was taken in Birmingham before we headed out West. Nancy is holding Margaret, who is only a month away from being 3. Next to her is Jackson (9) and then John Michael (6). The second picture was taken a couple days after Christmas in Mesa. Next to Nancy is Savannah (15) and on the right is Ian, who will be 13 in 11 days.

That pretty much does it for Christmas pictures. I'm sure we can come up with something this week worth sharing next weekend. In the meantime, I need to get the rake and work on picking up the needles that fell onto the front lawn from our Southern Pine trees. I do prefer that to shoveling snow.