A couple weeks ago I posted that our granddaughter Margaret visited us for several days. She arrived on a Friday and returned to Birmingham the following Wednesday. While she was here, the rest of her family; Mom, Dad, and brothers Jackson and John Michael; were skiing in Colorado. Now we don't ski and we don't much like snow, so we weren't all the envious when Jenny sent this picture. We did, however, have a fun 5 days with Margaret. By fun I mean tea parties, game playing, book reading, shopping (she liked shopping with Grandma), cooking, and baking. She knew where her family was but did not complain since she was on her own vacation.
Different subject: One of the first persons I met when I went to work at Teledyne Brown Engineering in 1977 was my boss's secretary Katy Olgletree. It didn't take long to find out that she was Alabama football's biggest fan. At one point she told me that in 35 years of home and away games, she missed only four. In the 1990s, she became my administrative assistant. She wasn't much on a computer, but she could get things done. Need the President's signature? Need the A/C adjusted? Anything at all. She could get it done in the shortest amount of time. And when she lightly tapped on your door and asked if you had a few minutes to talk, you knew you were in trouble. Or more likely, she was going to keep you out of trouble. A classy lady. Last Sunday, after a year-long battle with cancer, she was called home for the final time. Nancy and I will miss her.