Nancy and I spent the weekend plus a few days in Birmingham while our son Mark and his wife Jenny flew to New York City for some R&R. Mark did attend a business management class on Friday and Saturday, but they managed a lot of site seeing during their off hours. So we had the kids from Thursday (6 Dec) through Sunday (9 Dec), and Nancy found time for a cooking lesson Friday afternoon when everyone helped whip up a batch of great tasting cookies. Except for having to battle a bug the entire time, Nancy and I enjoyed for personal time with our 3 youngest grandchildren.
Note 1: This page is posted on the 10th because I forgot to update my laptop with the latest web page information and therefore couldn't access my web site from Birmingham. We returned to Huntsville around noon today.
Note 2: As of 5:30 this evening (the 10th) the "bug" was officially declared the flu by Nancy's doctor.