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12:12 12/12/12

This is the second time this year I've posted a picture of our "Atomic Clock". The outdoor temperature one day in June, 109.6 degrees, was the subject of the first post. This past Wednesday, unless you live in a shoe, you probably heard about all the twelves. You probably also heard about the boy who was born at 12 minutes after noon on December 12, 2000. He was 12 last Wednesday. Twelve has got to be his lucky number. Enough of that.

Last Monday I posted that Nancy has the flu. As of today she is only slightly improved. Needless to say, we didn't do very much during this past week. Hence the picture of the clock. I must have set some sort of world record for washing hands since Monday. Our doctor also gave me a prescription for Tamiflu, which I have taken religiously since then. This was supposed to be the week for Nancy's Stitchers group to have their annual Christmas party. We were scheduled to host everybody on Thursday, and I planned to post their picture today. That will have to wait until another time.

So now we're at least a week behind with our Christmas shopping and Christmas cards but we're doing the best we can to catch up. I better get back to it.