Last Fall we hired a landscaping company to redo the shrubs and plants across the front and down the far side of our home next to the driveway. I took this picture this morning. The crape myrtle, which we planted a dozen or so years ago, was trimmed heavily this past week to get it away from the house. It tends to spread up over the roof and drop its seeds on top the house. That doesn't look good. After the trimming was done, I hosed the roof down to wash the seeds off. Nancy's hydrangea is a surprise. Usually it blooms in the Spring, but this year it began flowering just a few weeks ago. Nancy thinks, she is sure, she pruned it too much last year.
The new plants and the transplanted shrubs are all doing well. We got rid of the boxwoods in the front of the house and planted encore azaleas, spirea, knockout roses, loropetalum, and nandina. Our Springs and Falls should be very colorful from now on.