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School Begins in Arizona

I remember when I was a kid, and we all looked forward to the Cambria County Fair. It was always the same week as Labor Day and marked the end of Summer. When the fair was over, we started back to school.

Well, school began for Savannah (high school junior) and Ian (eighth grade) this past Wednesday. August 8th! I'm not sure if their total days in school are more or less than mine, but do know that I never had things like Autumn or Spring break. I do want to add that these 2 grandkids of ours WALK to and from school every day. Of course in Mesa it's flat. I had hills, valleys, and a river to cross. OK, there was a bridge. But it really was dangerous crossing the railroad tracks, especially with a train moving back and forth loading coal up the tracks at the tipple.

We do wish them another good year at school. Savannah is thinking about college; Ian about football. But we trust they'll continue their good ways in their classes. Thanks to Melissa for the picture.