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The Fall Classic

The professional baseball season might be winding down, but Fall baseball in Birmingham is just getting started. I drove Nancy to Birmingham last Sunday for a grandchildren "fix". That's what she needs when she's been too many weeks away from the grandkids. We arrived just in time to catch John Michael (age 6) in the field during one of his Fall season games. He's got the "ready position" down pretty well, but I'm not sure what he's looking at. I am sure it wasn't the pitcher or the batter.

We had a nice, but short visit and returned home late Sunday evening. The rest of our week was pretty much uneventful.

[It's now Monday. Our AT&T network at the house has been down since 1 AM Saturday, so I haven't been able to post this page. I'm about to suggest to Nancy that we eat lunch at McDonald's where I can get onto their Wi-Fi and post this page.]