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My Sister and Me

Nancy and I are in the process of cleaning file cabinets, shelves, and drawers in what we call our computer room. What, at first, sounds like a straight forward job, really isn't. As an example, I came across a box that held every check we wrote between 1988 and 1995. To be on the ridiculously safe side, I shredded each and every one. I'm not going to tell you how long that took. However, on the plus side, we've come across many things that jog the memory and tug on the heartstrings. Like this picture.

We think it was taken around the Spring on 1945; near my third birthday and was taken by my Dad who, in addition to working in the Colver, Pennsylvania, coal mines as a mine safety engineer, was a photographer of some note. I scanned this picture from a color slide, not a print. I am always amazed when I see his color slides and prints. I have one, which I posted in 2007, that was taken probably in 1939. That man knew how to work a camera!

I'm on the left! I'm posing with my older sister Jean. About a year later my younger sister Barbara was born and a year and a half after that, my Dad, only 37, died.

We also came across a picture of Nancy and her sister Elaine, which I plan to post next weekend. Right now, I had better get back to the third drawer of the filing cabinet or we'll never get this job finished.