Emphasis on "pretty" and "little". While Nancy was in Birmingham a couple weeks ago, she tagged along with Jenny and Margaret to Margaret's (age 2) dance class. After the class, Jenny snapped this nice picture.
This week we got a little bit serious about the landscaping around our house. At our invitation, we were visited by persons from 2 professional landscaping companies. They took pictures, made drawings, and talked with us about the things we like or dislike about the current landscape. As I write, they are (I hope) working on their designs.
I also renewed our car tags this week. Normally, I wouldn't say much about that, but the new Alabama immigration law has made the process a little more cumbersome and slowed down the lines a bunch. We now have to prove we are a citizen of the United States before they will issue a tag. To do that I had to produce a valid Alabama drivers license for each driver listed on the car. That simple act seems to have slowed the process considerably. I saw people standing in line with passports, birth certificates, and other papers I was not able to identify. The devil is in the details.