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Put the Visitor to Work!

Last Sunday Nancy and I drove to Birmingham to pick up our grandson, John Michael (6), so he could spend the week with us in Huntsville. Of course there are a million things to do at Grandma and Paw Paw's with Lego blocks, ride a scooter, watch movies, read new books at bedtime, get some "one on one" time with each grandparent, eat some things you're not allowed to eat at home, etc..

But what is it they say? "All play and no work makes JM a dull boy." Or something like that. Early Tuesday morning Nancy and JM headed into the back yard to pick blueberries. We have 4 bushes that this year produced an abundant crop of yummy little berries. Grandma did a short training course on picking only the ripe berries and turned the little guy loose. It was hot and muggy, but they stuck it out and picked more than 6 cups. They just might have had more except that it's hard to resist eating a few now and then.

Since it only takes 4 cups of blueberries to make a pie, a couple days later Grandma and JM baked a pie, which we enjoyed that evening for dessert.

John Michael stayed with us until yesterday when we returned him to his parents and his brother and sister. Needless to say it was a fun week for all of us.