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Stitcher Christmas Party

When Nancy last hosted the Stitcher Christmas party (December, 2005), they were called the Tuesday Night Stitchers. Now they gather together each Thursday afternoon, but I haven't heard about a name change. In any event, this year Nancy offered to host the Stitcher Christmas Party, so this past Thursday the ladies came to our home with food and gifts. Besides a well decorated table setting, Nancy provided the ham, drinks, and Christmas music. Her friends added the side dishes and all the trimmings in true stitcher style...always outstanding.

I took this picture before the ladies sat down to eat. Seated are Barbara and Jerry, left to right. Behind those two are JoAnn, Myra, Joan, Terri, and Nancy. It was cold enough that our snowman was able to pose with the ladies reminding everyone how many shopping and baking days were left on Thursday until Christmas.