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Thanksgiving Dinner

Mark, Jenny, Jackson (8), John Michael (5), and Margaret (almost 2) arrived just after noon on Thursday and in plenty of time for Nancy's Thanksgiving dinner. But before even giving thanks, I set the camera delay to 10 seconds and snapped this picture. That flashing red light on the camera managed to hold Margaret's attention just long enough.

For dinner we enjoyed roasted turkey, of course, with dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, greenbean casserole, cranberry jello salad with crushed pineapple, celery and apples, pumpkin pie, bundt cake, and vanilla ice cream. Nancy spent a couple days getting that all ready to go, and it was worth it.

Mark and the gang hung around until this morning. There was plenty of football on TV yesterday to keep the guys busy. The Auburn-Alabama game was high on our list of things to do after dinner. Grandma stayed busy chasing Margaret around the house as she explored every nook and cranny for potential toys. We had fun with the company but we wish everyone who couldn't be here a very Happy Thanksgiving.