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Auburn Chairs

Thirty or so years ago Nancy came across a couple of old classroom chairs at a garage sale and just had to bring them home for our kids. When Mark and Melissa no longer wanted to be seen sitting in them, they were stored in our attic. A couple of weeks ago I pulled them down along with old baby furniture intending to finally donate the lot to a worthy cause. We looked at the chairs, thought of Jackson (8) and John Michael (5), and decided on another idea. Since the boys seem to like Auburn at this point in their lives, I painted each desk with an Auburn color, and Nancy took them to Birmingham on Thursday.

She returned to Huntsville this afternoon with this picture. The boys really like their new desks. So much so that they even wanted to eat their meals while seated there. I have no idea how old they were when Nancy bought them, but they're made out of solid wood and very sturdy. They should last a long time.

This wasn't a good week for me. I caught what I thought was a cold last weekend. I paid our doctor for a more educated diagnosis, and found I had/still have pneumonia. It's getting better. Just not as fast as I would like.