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A Quick Visit to Pennsylvania

Last Friday (not yesterday) Nancy and I drove to Pennsylvania for a surprise visit with Nancy's Mom and Aunt Nina. It started snowing when we arrived and was still snowing when we left on Wednesday. They called it Lake Effect snow, but no matter what it was called, it kept coming day after day. The above picture was taken outside of Aunt Nina's garage on Tuesday.

But just down the hill in Altoona where Nancy's Mom lives, no snow! The Lake Effect just didn't extend over the mountain. We were amazed each time we drove down the mountain, 8 miles, to find only a dusting of snow and relatively mild temperatures.

In spite of the weather, we did have a nice visit with everyone. We helped Nina put up her tree and decorate her home. And each visit with Mom was upbeat and enjoyable. Nancy decorated Mom's room with a small tree, which you can just get a glimpse on the left side of this picture of Nancy with her Mom.

Now we are looking forward to Christmas in Huntsville. We are expecting Melissa's family to come in from Arizona, and with Mark nearby in Birmingham, the whole family will be together.