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A Happy Grandma

Last Sunday Nancy and I drove to Birmingham to visit Mark and Jenny. High on Nancy's list of things to do was holding our almost 8-month old granddaughter, Margaret, who wasn't the least bit shy when Grandma and Paw Paw showed up. She very quickly went to Grandma. Thus the two happy faces in the picture above. We still can't decide who she resembles, Mark or Jenny. To me, she just looks like sweet, little Margaret.

On the home front, it's been raining most of the last several weeks. Another roof repair last week finally stopped the rain from leaking around the skylight. It's been driving me crazy. If you've ever spent time trying to find a roof leak, you know what I mean. In between the rain drops this week, we planted several trees, shrubs, and flowers. And I ordered a couple more blueberry bushes to replace the ones that died...again. It is kind of strange that my blueberry bushes do just fine at one end of the garden, but at the other end, 8 feet away, they die. This is the third and last time for replanting blueberries. It must be cheaper to just trek over to the grocery store and buy blueberries, but...